Wednesday 13 July 2011

Past Student Soap Opera Trailers.

Sound - At the very beginning we have the diegetic dialogue of the vicar. Low key non-diegetic music then starts to with diegetic dialogue is then heard over the top. The music then changes to a low bass beat and party music to help set the scene. Diegetic sounds of a bottle being knocked by the door is heard and then the music that was used at the beginning starts to play again. At the end a voice over has been used to name the title and details of when the soap would be shown, they chose to use a whisper to say this in. I don't think the whisper really makes sense and it doesn't really go with the piece.

Mise - There is a wedding scene at the beginning, the white wedding dress gives connotations of innocence. High key lighting is used for the wedding scenes and the party but the rest has very low key lighting. The settings that were used were places like a pub, a living room and a kitchen all places that a normal person could use on a daily basis as well as being the most generic conventional locations of a soap opera. Some of the props that were used were a photo and in most scenes alcohol was used, this shows that this particular prop has an importance to it within the storyline. The way they have shown the photo and the alcohol it could suggest to the audience that there is going to be trouble. At the end when we see the characters going to open a door and then it flashes back to the wedding scene it also gives the sense of trouble.

Camera angles - Two shots are used to show the groups of characters long shots to show the full length of the character which also helps to show there body language. A close up is used to look at the photo so that the audience are able to see exactly what the photo is of. A low angle shot during the party scene to show the hierarchy of the character being higher than the rest of the characters. A close up is used on the bottle being pushed by the door so that you can see the door being oped but you are unable to see who is coming through the door. A over the shoulder shot when looking at the door being about to be opened.

Narrative - This trailer has an open narrative so that the audience are given some information about the story lines and the characters within the soap but not too much is given away so that the audience will be drawn into it and want to watch the soap itself, forking paths have also been used to show loads of different story lines in the trailer. The audience doesn't know whats going on in any of the story lines which helps to keep the open narrative.

Titles - There is a title shown at the beginning of the trailer asking the audience a rhetorical question this gets the audience thinking and they then want to watch the soap in order to find out more. The rest of the titles are shown at the end and they are very basic, just white writing on a black background that just fades onto the screen. The channel and the details of when it will be shown are in the same style, both are the same colour and size as the title. However this does mean that the audience have all the information that they need about the soap so that they can watch it when it comes out.

Sound - Non-diegetic high pitched piano music is used during the trailer, this gives connotations as being creepy and mysterious. Diegetic dialogue is used from different clips of conversations. A voice over is also used to explain the story line at the end but the title and details are not said.

Narrative - An open narrative to keep the audience interested in what they are seeing within the piece, they are given small amounts of information but thing are kept as cliff hangers so the audience need to watch the soap itself in order to find out what happens next. Forking paths have also been used to show lots of different story lines. The audience is introduced to a large amount of characters which could mean that too much information is given away however it could also mean that as they have met so many characters they now know that all of them have their own story lines so they will need to watch the soap to find out more.

Mise - Interior settings  are used for the conversations between characters, exterior settings are used at the beginning of the trailer to show the road and the different couples in the soap outside their front doors. There is a mixed use of lighting as some scenes are quite dark and others bright even though they are the same sort of scenes. As well as this the majority of costumes that have been used have been quite dark. This gives connotations of mystery and maybe even danger.

Titles - A black screen fades on with the title and the times of the soap written on it at the end of the trailer. The text style that has been used to show the titles is just block white writing which is isn't very creative and quite plain, I think that if they had chosen a different style of text and maybe a different colour then it may draw more attention to the soap.

Sound - A non-diegetic up beat piece of background music has been used throughout the trailer which helps attract the audiences attention as well as keeping it. Diegetic

Mise - The entire trailer has used exterior settings, this shows the audience the area of which the soap is set and to show all the houses where the characters that are introduced during the trailer live. High key lighting has been used to show that it is in an exterior setting. The main character is wearing a plain black dress and bright red high heels which gives connotations of power and authority. All the other characters in the trailer are wearing normal clothes (top, jeans and coats) this shows that in comparison to the main character they are quite laid back and they are as important within the storyline. Due to the use of costumes the audience are still able to see the different characters story lines, for example the woman that is pregnant, she is on her own and even though she doesn't have any dialogue and the camera is only on her for a second you still know her situation.

Narrative - Open narrative is used within the trailer so that it gives the audience a glimpse of the story lines in the soap without giving too much away, it also give the soap a chance to introduce all the characters.

Titles - The titles are quite creative as they have used an actual street sign name and have filmed it to use as the title of the soap. They have then used smaller writing that has been put underneath so tell the audience the day and times of which the soap will be shown. Then in even smaller writing underneath the channel the soap will be shown on. The title itself - WHODDUNITTTT causes the audience to wonder anyway what the soap is going to be about and gets the audience asking a lot of questions, by doing this more people are going to want to watch the soap to see what it is all about and find the answer to the title of the soap.

Sound - Non-diegetic sci-fi type music has been used through out the trailer, you can hear a diegetic sound of beeping coming form the alarm clock in the scene. You can hear the diegetic sound of the car driving past and the doors and boot opening very quietly over the music that is playing. A voice over has been used to say the name of the soap and the times its on. Finally diegetic dialogue has been used when we see the woman in the car, the way she says it makes it suspicious and get the audience to want to watch the soap.

Mise - Interior and exterior settings have been used for this trailer, the interior settings are really dark and no lighting is used and the exterior settings have all got natural lighting. The settings include a bedroom and a country lane, props that have been used are things like a pile of pills and tablets on a table and an alarm clock. All the costumes are all dark coloured and we see boys in hoodies which creates the stereotypical teenage crime. Finally there is a body in a bin bag?

Narrative - An open narrative has been used, they have used random clips showing what is happening but it is used as a type of puzzle as things could link together but the audience can't tell if they have put it together correctly or not. The trailer doesn't give you definite answers so the audience wants to find out exactly what happens in the soap.

Camera Angles - Close ups are used to show props like the alarm clock and the tablets on the table. Black cuts have been used quite a lot to help show jump cuts to show the two figures carrying the bin bags towards the camera. A high angle shot was used to show the girl in the bed this could show the hierarchy between the girl and the figure that enters the room. A low angle shot and a panning shot have been used to show the car driving past the camera. Mid shots and close ups were used to show the bin bags and finally a close up of the girl sitting in the car to add emphasis on her being on the phone.

Titles - Titles are used all the way through the trailer to show rhetorical questions and to explain some of the story lines. Silver / white writing has been used to show the titles but nothing really creative. The trailer doesn't really show any relevance to the title of the soap. They have shown the titles and when it is going to be shown on TV and they it also says dbzs which could be the channel it will be shown on? Otherwise the trailer doesn't tell the audience what channel to watch in order to see the soap. A short clip is then shown and then at the very end of the trailer a website address is shown to help advertise the soap.

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